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Private Shared Function Is_UK_PostCode(postCode As String) As Boolean
Dim postCodeRegEx As String
postCodeRegEx = "^(GIR ?0AA|[A-PR-UWYZ]([0-9]{1,2}|([A-HK-Y][0-9]([0-9ABEHMNPRV-Y])?)|[0-9][A-HJKPS-UW]) ?[0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})$"
Return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(postCode, postCodeRegEx, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
End Function
Private Shared Function Is_Email_Address(txt As String) As Boolean
Dim emailRegex As New Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("^[_a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)@[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(.[a-z]{2,4})$")
Return emailRegex.IsMatch(txt)
End Function
Private Shared Function Is_Plausible_UK_NI(txt as string) as Boolean
Dim niRegex As New Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("^(?!BG)(?!GB)(?!NK)(?!KN)(?!TN)(?!NT)(?!ZZ)(?:[A-CEGHJ-PR-TW-Z][A-CEGHJ-NPR-TW-Z])(?:\s*\d\s*){6}([A-D]|\s)$")
Return niRegex.IsMatch(txt)
End Function
Private Shared Function Is_Plausible_UK_Driving(txt as string) as Boolean
Dim driveRegex As New Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("^[A-Z0-9]{5}\d[0156]\d([0][1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])\d[A-Z0-9]{3}[A-Z]{2}$")
Return driveRegex.IsMatch(txt)
End Function
Private Shared Function Is_Plausible_Card(number As String) As Boolean
' Remove any spaces, some cards use spaces to make numbers easier to read
' but Credit Card numbers can only include teh digits 0 to 9
number = number.Replace(" "c, "")
' Credit card numbers can only contain digits. All other characters are invaild
Dim regex As New Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("^[0-9]")
If Not regex.IsMatch(number) Then
Return False
End If
' Simplified length check
' A full check would check Card Issuer code (first few digits) and
' establish which card number lengths are used by the specific issuer
If number.Length < 12 Or number.Length > 19 Then
Return False
End If
' Luhn validation
Dim doubleIt As Boolean = False
Dim digit As Integer
Dim total As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = number.Length To 1 Step -1
digit = CInt(Val(Mid(number, i, 1)))
If doubleIt Then
total += digit * 2
If digit > 4 Then
total += 1
End If
total += digit
End If
doubleIt = Not doubleIt
Return (total Mod 10 = 0)
End Function
Private Shared Function Is_Plausible_UK_Phone(txt As String) As Boolean
If txt = "" Then Return True ' User can leave number blank
' we cannot validate international calls
If Len(txt) > 2 Then
If Mid(txt, 1, 2) = "00" Then
Return (Len(txt) > 9)
End If
End If
If Len(txt) < 3 Then Return False
If Mid(txt, 1, 3) = "000" Then Return False
Dim txt2 As String = "#" & txt & "#"#
Dim test As String = "#100#101#105#101#111#112#119#123#141#155#999#1470#1471#1472#1474#1475#1476#1477#1478#1479#1571#1572#17070#08001111#"
If test.Contains(txt2) Then Return True
If Len(txt) = 6 Then
If ((Mid(txt, 1, 3) = "116") OrElse (Mid(txt, 1, 3) = "118")) Then Return True Else Return False
End If
If Len(txt) = 8 Then
If Mid(txt, 1, 7) = "0845464" Then Return True Else Return False
End If
If Len(txt) = 10 Then
If ((Mid(txt, 1, 2) = "01") Or (Mid(txt, 1, 4) = "0800")) Then Return True Else Return False
End If
If Len(txt) = 11 Then
If Mid(txt, 1, 2) = "01" Then Return True
If Mid(txt, 1, 2) = "02" Then Return True
If Mid(txt, 1, 2) = "03" Then Return True
If Mid(txt, 1, 2) = "04" Then Return False
If Mid(txt, 1, 3) = "055" Then Return True
If Mid(txt, 1, 3) = "056" Then Return True
If Mid(txt, 1, 2) = "05" Then Return False
If Mid(txt, 1, 2) = "06" Then Return False
If Mid(txt, 1, 2) = "07" Then Return True
If Mid(txt, 1, 2) = "08" Then Return True
If Mid(txt, 1, 2) = "09" Then Return True
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Shared Function Premium_Rate__Number(txt As String) As Boolean
' this routine is not foolproof - e.g it may not handle any new premium rate
' number blocks
Dim txt2 As String
Dim test As String
If txt = "" Then Return False
If Len(txt) >= 2 Then
txt2 = "#" & Mid(txt, 1, 2) & "#"
test = "#00#09#"
' 00 = international
' 09 = standard premium rate number block
If test.Contains(txt2) Then Return True
End If
If Len(txt) >= 3 Then
txt2 = "#" & Mid(txt, 1, 3) & "#"
test = "#070#076#055#056#084#087#100#118#101#"
If test.Contains(txt2) Then Return True
' personal numbers, special connections and specialist numbers
End If
If Len(txt) >= 4 Then
txt2 = "#" & Mid(txt, 1, 4) & "#"
test = "#0820#08999#"
If test.Contains(txt2) Then Return True
' Specialist numbers
End If
If Len(txt) >= 5 Then
txt2 = "#" & Mid(txt, 1, 5) & "#"
test = "#01481#01534#07781#07839#07911#07509#07797#01624#07624#07524#07924#"
If test.Contains(txt2) Then Return True
' Guersey, Man, Guernsey etc. Expensive under some phone contracts
End If
If Len(txt) >= 6 Then
txt2 = "#" & Mid(txt, 1, 6) & "#"
test = "#079112#079118#07937#07700#07829#"
If test.Contains(txt2) Then Return True
' Personal numbers, ofshore island mobile etc.
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Function Regex_Replace(textIn As String, reg As String, replaceWith As String) As String
' This function examines textIn and replaces all matches of the regularexpression... reg
Dim regularEx As New Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(reg)
Dim txt As String
txt = regularEx.Replace(textIn, replaceWith)
Return txt
End Function
' will return -1 if no match
' will return 0 based index showing position of first match if found
Dim regularEx As New Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(reg)
Dim mat As Text.RegularExpressions.Match = regularEx.Match(textToSearch)
If mat.Success Then
Return mat.Index
End If
Return -1
/t | Matches a tab | /r | Matches a carriage return | [abc] | Matches any character in box (case-sensitive) | [^ ] | Matches any character that is not in box | $ | Only matches if match ends at last character of string | ^ | (When not in box) Only matches if match starts in first character of string | [a-z] | Matches any character in the range a to z | . | Matches any character except newline | \d | Matches any decimal digit (same as [0-9]) | \D | Matches any character that is not a decimal digit (same as [^0-9]) | \G | Only matches if match occurs at the same position that the last match ended | * | Matches previous secrion zero or more times | + | Matches the previous section one or more times | ? | Matches the previous section zero or one time | ? | (If following {...} * + or ?) Match the minimum number of times to obey any other regex requirements | {5} | Matches the previous element exactly 5 times | {6,} | Matches the previous element at least 6 times | {7,9} | Matches the previous element between 7 times and 9 times |